If you are tired of the COVID and mask debates, then turn your attention to another set of laws and regulations that varies from state to state and even county to county: the liquor license guidelines. During the 13 years of the great experiment called Prohibition, the debate du jour was over the personal liberties that were impacted by prohibition. Fun fact: Last year (2020) was the 100th anniversary of the passage of Prohibition.
The deal the politicians struck to end Prohibition gave each state the right to establish its own rules around the sale of alcoholic beverages. Thus we now must navigate over 50 different sets of rules (not unlike today’s mask rules that vary state-by-state).
That is one of the consequences of repealing Prohibition. However, there is an unintended consequence that was not part of the official legislation. According to Tom Wark, what actually unfolded was a whole set of rules around the three-tier system that now limits out-of-state sales through the distributors. This layer of rules is not part of the 21st Amendment yet they continue due to the economic and political power of the distributors. Read Tom’s article here.
Frankly, today’s mask debate seems pale in comparison. If you have a choice between wearing a mask or not being able to buy an alcoholic beverage, which would you choose?